Wade's Thanksgiving Recipes

Wade's Thanksgiving Recipes
The Ultimate Thanksgiving Menu

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Art Of The Buffet

Have you ever tried to feed 60 different people at once in an hour? Imagine having a dinner party and everyone who attends decides that they want something different. Well thats what we did today. Sixty people-one hour and everyone had to leave happy! I call it "The Art Of The Buffet". Creating a menu that everyone has to like, no matter what. Kudos to the Picnic Team for making it a success.

It's A LOT of work what we do everyday. I find it funny when people say to me, " I want to be chef or caterer". I just look at them and smile knowing that they have no idea what the hell they're getting into.

Make sure whenever you do have a party or event. Create a well balanced menu that all your guests can partake of...and leave smiling!!!

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